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New Legislation on Autoinjectors in schools (Epipen)

New legislation was passed in Westminster this week to allow schools in the UK to keep spare adrenaline auto-injectors (AAIs) for emergency use. AAIs deliver a potentially life-saving dose of adrenaline in the event of a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). The...

Spotlight on Sepsis

Spotlight on Sepsis

Spotlight on sepsis The UK sepsis trust and the NHS are currently campaigning to spread awareness to parents to help spot the signs and symptoms of sepsis. Over the past month sepsis has been a popular subject in our parent first aid classes, as parents have seen...

Spotlight on Febrile Seizures

Spotlight on Febrile Seizures

Spotlight On: Febrile Convulsions & Seizures Did you know that 1 in 20 children experience febrile convulsions? Stacey from Daisy First Aid Guildford & Redhill explains why children have febrile convulsions and what to do if your little one experiences one…....

Christmas Safety – Daisy First Aid

Christmas Safety – Daisy First Aid

Christmas Safety Advice Christmas really is a magical time of year. We get to spend quality time with our family and friends, swap gifts galore, eat delicious food, visit Christmas markets with the enticing smell of sausages and mulled wine, and we get to decorate our...

Why learn baby first aid?

Why learn baby first aid? We’d all know what to do in an emergency right? It would just come naturally yes? Or, I don’t need to know these skills as my husband/wife/mum/dad is first aid trained. The above could be someone’s reasoning for not attending a first aid...

Sarah Jayne Dunn

Sarah Jayne Dunn

Actress Sarah Jayne Dunn attended Daisy First Aid class with our Wigan trainer Nina 'I really enjoyed the Daisy First Aid course, Nina was highly informative and although I've done first aid courses before for my works a personal trainer, I found the additional and...

The Allens do Daisy First Aid

Kelly Allen - Mummy Blogger Writer. Mother. Bohemian. Discovering truth, beauty, freedom and love in each moment. https://kellyallenwriter.com/2016/08/08/the-allens-do-daisy-first-aid/