One question we get asked a lot in our first aid classes is how to start babies on solid foods when there is a history of allergies in the family.

This week, in honour of allergy awareness week our friends at The Allergy Team are giving away their guide to Weaning with Food Allergies worth £7.99 for free.

The Allergy Team and their weaning guide

The Allergy Team was founded by Sarah Knight who has two sons with allergies. It supports families, schools and businesses to manage food allergies, with information support and training. They understand that living with food allergy can be a challenge but we are here to support you every step of the way, from diagnosis to thriving.

Sign up to their free newsletter here for information, recipes, allergy news and details of upcoming events, including online meet-ups with other parents and expert Q&As.

PLUS to mark Allergy Awareness Week, we’ll send you our PDF factsheet “Guide to Weaning with Food Allergies” (Worth £7.99) for FREE.

More about the Guide to Weaning with Food Allergies: 

How do you introduce common allergens during weaning?

Is there a recommended order for introducing allergens and how often should they feature in your baby’s diet?

This factsheet answers these questions and many more. Introducing solid foods to your child is an important milestone. You might be excited about this step but also have questions about food allergies. This factsheet will help you feel more prepared and it comes with a handy weaning diary sheet too.

Click here to sign up and receive the free guide.