Tummy time is an important activity that can help with your baby’s development. It is the practice of putting your baby on the floor awake and face down.

In this week’s blog we’re going to explore why tummy time is important and how it can benefit your little one.

We’ll also look at what to do if your baby hates tummy time. Should you still do it? How can you make it a more pleasant experience for them?

What is Tummy Time?

Tummy time refers to the period when you place your baby on their stomach while they are awake and supervised. It’s recommended to start tummy time sessions as early as a few days after birth, gradually increasing the duration as your baby grows.

Why is Tummy Time Important?

It strenghtens core muscles

Tummy time encourages your baby to lift their head, which helps strengthen their neck, shoulder, and core muscles. These muscles are essential for achieving developmental milestones like crawling, sitting, and eventually walking.

It helps prevent flat head syndrome

Spending prolonged periods on their back, such as during sleep, can lead to flat spots on your baby’s head. Tummy time provides relief from constant pressure on the back of the head, reducing the risk of developing flat head syndrome (plagiocephaly).

It enhances motor skills

By allowing your baby to explore and push against the floor with their hands and feet, tummy time stimulates the development of motor skills. It encourages reaching, grasping, and eventually crawling, laying the groundwork for more complex movements later on.

It promotes sensory development

Being on their tummy exposes babies to different sensory experiences. They can see the world from a different perspective, strengthening their visual skills and spatial awareness. Tummy time also encourages tactile exploration as babies touch and feel different textures beneath them.

It prepares baby for independent sitting and crawling

Tummy time helps babies develop the strength and coordination necessary for sitting up and crawling. By spending time on their stomachs, babies learn to push themselves up, pivot, and eventually propel themselves forward, laying the foundation for independent mobility.

Tips for Successful Tummy Time Sessions

Start slowly

Begin with short tummy time sessions, gradually increasing the duration as your baby becomes more comfortable.

Use props

Place toys, mirrors, or colourful objects within your baby’s reach to keep them engaged and motivated during tummy time.

Supervise them closely

Always supervise your baby during tummy time to ensure their safety and comfort. Stay close to provide encouragement and support as needed.

Add it to your daily routine

Aim for several short tummy time sessions throughout the day, gradually working towards a total of 60 minutes by the time your baby reaches three months of age.

What if my baby hates tummy time?

Time it well

Wait until your baby is happy. If they are hungry, tired or irritable for any other reason it’s not going to make them enjoy this experience. Wait until you have a content baby and then give it a go.

Put baby on your chest

If your baby really dislikes being on the floor (let’s face it, being face down on the floor before those neck muscles have developed can’t be much fun!) try placing them on your chest. That way they’re still on their tummy but they can see your face and are likely to be happier.

Get down on the floor with them

Lie on the floor opposite your little one so they can see your face. Sing to them and talk to them and make it a joyful experience. If your baby has older siblings try getting them involved too!

Start small

Start with very small periods of time and slowly work up to them spending longer on the floor. Don’t leave them there if they’re very unhappy. Give up and try and again later!