Parenthood is filled with exciting milestones, and one of the significant ones is introducing solid foods to your little one.

Weaning is an important and exciting time but it can also feel pretty overwhelming with the number of products available on the market.

We have compiled a list of what we believe are the essentials for starting weaning to make your life a little bit easier!

When to begin weaning your baby

You should begin weaning your baby around 6 months of age. There is no reason to start earlier unless you are advised to by a medical professional.

Check out this quiz from the NHS, which will help you decide if your baby is ready.


Look for a sturdy highchair with a secure harness and adjustable features to accommodate your growing baby. Make sure you can undo the harness quickly in case you need to get your baby out quickly (for example if they’re choking and need some help from you. Think about future proofing too; some highchairs convert into chairs for older children.

Also think about cleaning. Weaning is MESSY! So get a highchair that’ll be easy to clean.

Baby Spoons and Bowls

You’ll need baby-friendly spoons and bowls. Opt for soft-tipped spoons that are gentle on your baby’s gums and small enough for their mouths. Bowls with suction cups at the base can help prevent spills and make self-feeding easier for your little one as they develop their motor skills. Metal spoons are not advised for weaning babies as they conduct heat and could cause burns.


Weaning is a fun but seriously messy business, so stock up on bibs to protect your baby’s clothes from food spills and stains. Look for bibs that are easy to clean, either with wipeable or machine-washable materials. Waterproof or silicone bibs with a crumb-catching pocket can be particularly handy during this stage.

Baby-friendly Plates and Cutlery

As your baby progresses in their weaning journey, they will start self-feeding. Consider buying plates with dividers to separate different food items and promote portion control. Baby-friendly cutlery, designed with soft and rounded edges, will help your little one practice self-feeding safely.

A Blender or Food Processor

If you plan to do traditional weaning with purees, a blender or food processor will be very useful. These tools will help you puree or mash fruits, vegetables, and other foods to the desired consistency for your baby’s stage of weaning.

Storage Containers

Having a set of storage containers is useful for storing and freezing homemade food. Look for containers that are safe for freezer and microwave. These will come in very handy when you are batch-cooking food!

Sippy Cups

As your baby progresses from breast milk or formula to drinking water and other liquids, sippy cups become indispensable. Choose spill-proof and easy-to-grip cups with handles.

A floor mat

Did we mention weaning is messy?! A mat to pop under your baby’s highchair will protect the floor and will make the clean up operation a little bit easier (we’d also recommend getting a dog!)

Weaning recipe book

You don’t have to prepare special meals for your baby. Your baby can eat almost everything you can you just need to be careful of those high-risk choking foods. But if you want to prepare meals for your little on there are a host of recipe books available. One of our favourites is this one by Annabel Karmel.

First aid knowledge

Knowing the difference between gagging and choking before you start choking is essential. Babies will gag and mildly choke during weaning which is completely normal and nothing to worry about. If a baby goes red and is coughing and gagging you can leave them to work it out themselves.

If a baby is choking severely they will go silent, their eyes may bulge and they may have a panicked or surprised look on their face. This is when they definitely do need your help. Do a Daisy First Aid class to familiarise yourself with how to help a choking baby before you start your weaning journey.

To find your local Daisy trainer click here.

Good luck!

Remember, every baby is unique, so be patient and responsive to their cues during this exciting phase. Enjoy exploring new tastes and textures with your little one!

Share this article with any parents who will be starting their weaning journey soon.