Oxytocin, known as ‘the love hormone’ plays an important role in childbirth. It is also important during the post-natal period and can lead to feelings of love and joy in those early days with your baby despite the sleep deprivation and the need to recover from childbirth.

In this week’s blog, in honour of Valentine’s Day, we are looking at the benefits of Oxytocin and ways you can stimulate its production as a new parent.

The Benefits of Oxytocin for New Parents


Oxytocin enhances maternal instincts helping you create a bond with your new baby.

Stress reduction

It has calming effects, helping to alleviate stress and promote relaxation.

Breastfeeding support

Oxytocin stimulates milk production and aids in the let-down reflex during breastfeeding.

Pain relief

During labour and delivery, oxytocin helps to regulate contractions and alleviate pain, contributing to a smoother birthing experience. It can also help with post-natal contractions in the same way.

Emotional well-being

Higher levels of oxytocin are associated with increased feelings of happiness, contentment, and emotional stability.

Ways to Release Oxytocin Naturally

While oxytocin is naturally released during childbirth and breastfeeding, there are several other ways to boost its levels in your daily life as a new parent:

Skin-to-skin contact

skin-to-skin time with your baby is a wonderful bonding opportunity and will help promote the release of oxytocin for both you and your baby.


Breastfeeding triggers the release of oxytocin.

Cuddle time

Cuddling and holding your little one will release Oxytocin and will also help your baby’s brain development. Remember, you can’t spoil a baby so hold and cuddle your baby as much as you like; it’s beneficial for both of you!


Wearing your baby in a carrier helps keep them to feel close and connected to you whilst you have your hands free to do other things. Keeping your baby close to you will help release Oxytocin in both parent and baby.

Smell your baby’s head

You know that amazing newborn baby smell? This will release Oxytocin. If only they could bottle this scent!

Baby massage

Touch also aids the release of Oxytocin so practising baby massage with your baby is a lovely way to bond with them and release more of that love hormone. There are multiple benefits to baby massage for both parents and baby.

In short, keeping your baby close to you is going to have a positive impact on both you and your baby in those early days and will get those wonderful hormones flowing.