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Honest Mum Vicki Psarias


Taking a Daisy First Aid Course & Win a Parent First Aid Course for 4 Worth £100

I just wish I’d done one sooner and hope this will inspire you to take action and book one too.I’ve been meaning to do a first aid course for years now (hangs head in shame) and whilst it felt like a crucial and critical thing to do, life, as it often does, just got in the way or I let it.You see, if I’m being entirely honest, a little bit of fear, the fear a course might freak me out a lot (I’m a perpetual worrier) or that I might not keep up or be able to put things into practice, stopped me.And here’s the thing, I’m writing this post after taking a Daisy First Aid course and can categorically tell you my fears were unfounded.The Daisy First Aid course WILL NOT scare you and you will complete it feeling utterly informed and empowered in an emotionally safe setting (your home if you wish) with a caring and patient teacher.

I also want to state that there was a more upsetting reason which prompted me to take this course. Something that happened to Xander which was so upsetting at the time, this is the first time I have mentioned it online.

I just wanted to move on from it and not dwell, but I never really did really move on from it…not until taking this course.

A few months ago, Xander was lying on our bed and somehow sniffed a tiny piece from a toy, up his nose. I was on the bed with him reading a magazine, and Oliver was playing on the floor. There was nothing that could have preempted it, like most accidents with kids, these things just happen. That doesn’t help alleviate the guilt of course.

In panic mode but trying to stay calm, I could see the tiny pink piece in his nose which wasn’t moving but felt fearful that if it moved, it might reach his throat making him choke or potentially stop breathing, I wouldn’t know what to do. I felt frightened and utterly powerless.

The worst position to be in as a parent.

The emergency services were amazing thankfully, advising us on the phone not to touch it and potentially push it further.

The ambulance arrived within minutes, Peter travelling with him to the hospital (which he later told me Xander loved). I remained with a hysterical Oliver as I tried to calm and reassure him that he would be OK.

Once at the hospital, the piece was removed with long tweezers and he was home before we knew it. I think I had nightmares all night and Peter and I promised ourselves we’d book a first aid course as soon as we could.

Peter had completed one several years ago but wanted to refresh his memory and I was adamant that I wouldn’t put it off, another day.

Then something a bit crazy happened-we so often does in life. Despite not ever publicly mentioning what happened, I received an invite from Daisy First Aid offering us a session which we promptly booked at home as they can come to your house.  On Sunday, the wonderfully warm and well informed former policewoman Cathy of Daisy First Aid York (they are national so you can check their website for your nearest one) came to take us through the two hour course.

A relaxed session in the lounge, with the kids popping back and forth and volunteering in some instances too, Peter and I were able to practice exactly what to do under Cathy’s guidance and support, in the case of an accident or emergency. Topics spanned placing people in the recovery position to what to do if a baby, child or adult chokes to looking out for illnesses, dealing with head injuries and much more.

Here’s a list of what’s covered in more detail:

  • Treatment of an unconscious casualty
  • Recovery Positions
  • Shock
  • Resuscitation & CPR
  • Choking
  • Head injuries
  • Fever
  • Febrile Seizures
  • Bleeding
  • Burns
  • Fractures
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Meningitis
  • Other Childhood conditions

Don’t miss this Facebook Live of Cathy telling you what to do if your baby or child chokes HERE\

We were also left with a comprehensive guide (usually costing £5) and a Daisy First Aid for babies checklist magnet for our fridge which lists what to do when a child chokes, if you have an unconscious baby or need to do CPR.

They also gave us several Keep This Card Safe mini booklets featuring common signs and symptoms for meningitis and septicaemia too. Super reminders which cement your learning and act as prompts for future reference.

But back to the session, after two hours, I felt that I could and would without a doubt, help someone in need. I would have helped anyone before this course but now I could hopefully make a difference to someone’s well being, I’m confident I can effectively look for signs, do CPR and ultimately keep someone alive until professionals arrived on the scene. What a gift.
Daisy First Aid run child-specific courses too from age 7 so I will be booking one in the new year after Oliver’s birthday.

There is nothing more important than knowing what to do in an emergency. Nothing. I know that now.

Please do consider booking a course today and good luck if you enter to win a Daisy parent first aid course worth £50 for two people.UK only.No cash alternative.Ends November 20th 2016.

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